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Old 2016-07-31, 11:47   Link #3
Join Date: Apr 2016
What can I say? this episode is literally epic and perfect on every possible way.

Everything started with Puck dealing with Betelgeuse and Subaru breaking apart again, this is something obvious considering what happened on episode 15, then again the same broken Subaru wake up, filled with despair, anger and pain until Rem turned to be the true savior.

The scene where Rem talks with Subaru and healed his heart was incredible, jesus this is superb, we were able to see how Rem cured his madness allowing Subaru to finally get his shit together. This idea leads to a simple understanding, all the suffering and pain we saw since episode 1 to 17 helped to develop a whole new Subaru, and one of the biggest details to see that is how he was able to laugh , a true laugh of joy.

Leaving aside the fact that Subaru admitted he loves Emilia, Rem is still the best girl and the only person who stay at Subaru's side into de darkness.

Edit: Twitter is on fire!

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