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Old 2016-07-03, 00:58   Link #97
Japanese Culture Fan
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Planet Earth
Age: 33
Originally Posted by Triple_R View Post
Honoka is probably the most emotionally expressive anime character I've ever seen. Chika might have some notable differences from Honoka, but "Chika is more emotionally expressive and dramatic" is not one of them, in my view.
That's a point in Chika's favor, as well as the Sunshine anime so far. I appreciated to some extent Honoka's energy and vigor that pushed the plot forward, but her clumsiness and general idiocy was overplayed to the point of overshadowing the other girls' screentime and sometimes making me want to question her competence as leader. Honoka was probably the butt of 50% of the jokes (wild estimate), and in a show that's supposed to balance 9 major characters that's already too much.

Chika so far is also portrayed as dumb in some ways, but not only is her silliness much less overplayed than Honoka's (at least in this first episode), the show takes care to show that the other girls are around her level of expressiveness and wackiness, which makes the cast feel much more balanced. I also liked the detail of showing Chika misspelling "club (部)" on the sign (and You correcting it off screen), it was a good example of show-don't-tell humor.

I'm liking Chika so far. The similarities with Honoka are definitely there, but she does feel distinct enough from her predecessor so I think she could be a good leader that's not too much of a copycat. Plus, there's that *significant* distinction she has from Honoka in regards to bust size.
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