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Old 2016-07-02, 20:26   Link #76
Nishikino Maki (* ̄▽ ̄*)
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: I shall reveal it to you.
We're back, baby!

First off, I really like the episode. The OP was catchy and I have it on repeat. I like the little touch of having an insert song at the end just like they did in the past. They also recreated their own version of the Leader meeting the Composer. Riko came off really well and I'm surprised by her passion for music.

Chika is no clone and is more of a realist who sees Muse as girls like her, who were able to thrive in their own way. I can't wait to see her character arc grow.

My prediction is Riko will be one of two dark horses who will end up being Center at then end of this season. Her role is basically Maki but insecure with Umi's Humbleness. I'll say it once again, "The Kars of Aqours". And she's lying about not knowing Muse. There's no way she doesn't know who they are.

You is positive and outgoing. The ultimate wingman. I'm rooting for you! (Agenda: I need muh yoshiriko ship to set sail, Captain! I'll call you Luffy.)

Besides Mari, they gave us a small glimpse of what to expect from each girl's personality and quirks. I don't think their expressions were too over the top. I'm pretty sure it's going to be a staple for this series in order to separate themselves even further from their predecessors. Dia was a good surprise.

Yohane has to be over the top, She's a chunni. If she wasn't a big ham with a flair for the dramatic then that would be a crime against anime tropes and The Fallen Angel herself. Now lower eyes before her Blinding Greatness, you despicable, lowly humans.

Last edited by playmaker2k; 2016-07-02 at 20:40.
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