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Old 2016-07-02, 18:34   Link #71
Random Wanderer
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2007
My main concern with Sunshine!! Episode 1 is that it sometimes felt like it was trying a bit too hard. That's better than not trying hard enough, but I hope that Sunshine can find a good zone for itself in future episodes. Thankfully, I did get a sense that the show was starting to settle in a bit, and become comfortable with its own identity, by the last few minutes of the first episode. Kanan's scene was a good one for simple contrast here - In a cast that seems to be overacting every other scene, I liked the relatively mellow easy-going Kanan, as she added some balance.
I will say the short bit with Kanan probably worked best for me, precisely because of that. Kanan felt natural, rather than like someone trying to overplay a part, and while they were with her Chika and You got pulled into her pace and weren't really overdoing it either.

There's nothing wrong with Chika being enthusiastic, or Yohane acting chuuni, or any of the rest, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying everyone should be mellow. Anime has been making use of various character types like these for ages without a problem. But right now, the way these girls move, the way they react... it doesn't quite feel natural.

Like you said, hopefully the studio can find their balance. Although some people might find it hard to believe, sometimes too much animation can be as much of a problem as not enough.
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