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Old 2016-07-02, 18:21   Link #69
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: New Zealand
Age: 42
Watched it on Line then tried to stay up when Animelab was about to stream it but fell asleep. Luckily I understood most of what being said but had a rewatch when I woke up.

Overall, it was a great little starter. If I had to give this episode a description, it was energetic. I felt the entire show went by at a very fast pace compared to the first episode of the OG. It's not a bad thing mind you, and I love how we got to get a feel of 7 of the girls general quirks.

I still find it hard to get used to is the overly dramatic faces of Yohane but having a sexy voice that doesn't go over the top like any chuunis. Dia is proving to be a fun little Student Council President, without feeling like an Ice Queen. And You, while didn't really presented herself much other than being a BFF, I'm reminded again why she is best girl.
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Only best girls are allowed to do photobombs.

Kanan and Mari didn't have much spotlight on them this episode but it seems like they might have a history, though I have a suspicion that Kanan, Mari and Dia tried to form their own little idol unit or some sort when they were first years but something happen to rain down on their fun, hence that sombre mood with those 3 in the OP.

Speaking of the OP, the camera work just got 10x better and the CG used in this has gone a long way that it's kinda hard to go back to muse's first and 2nd singles. As for the OP and insert songs, I haven't warmed up to the songs yet, but I'm sure to love them after some more repeat listening. Especially when the full versions comes out later on in the year.

Good to know that the first volume of the BD is coming out September. Will add it to my Final Live preorder. Gonna be an expensive month. Plus I'll try my luck and see if I can score tickets to Aqour's first live as well.

Overall, it was a great start to a new generation of school idols and the wait for each new episode is going to be hard.
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