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Old 2016-07-02, 13:01   Link #40
The slacking one
Join Date: Apr 2012
Confirmed. This is gonna be a fun ride

First of all, points right off the gate for not opening the series in the same way as the original, and then some more for going straight to the point: Chika, here's Muse. Go for it. No one even mentioned anything regarding helping the school. Great stuff.

Even more points for showing us most of the group inmediately while giving us a good idea of what to expect from them in terms of personality. On that note, Ruby had a much better start than expected, though I'm pretty sure most people will be drooling over Riko, and to be fair, that's for sure, in a way, one hell of a first impression You already proved to be a great friend and partner this episode, and I definetly look forward to her getting "crazy"along with Chika Maru is already such a cute guardian for Ruby, Yohane-sama is, well, herself, and I'm soooo glad to see that, despite fulfilling the same role, Dia is nowhere near as stiff as Eri was at the beginning (how do you know so much about Love Live, kaichou~?). Now, if you she can just join earlier... No, seriously, Dia is the one I want to like the most! Chika is fine too, definetly has the energy for the role, even if she doesn't stand out as much. Except when it comes to shipping. This is already so much more yuri friendly than the original LL And on that note, everything feels so much more lively and expressive, which probably will help give this group its own identity.

About Kanan, she's fine, a good, seemingly dependable big sister, but boy... drama is definetly going to ensue. But anwyay, its definetly guaranteed to be a fun time with the new ladies.

I'm so glad to have caught up with the original LL before this, if only to get excited with that big reference. Also helps that was my favorite song from the original series (movie not included).
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