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Old 2016-06-22, 23:44   Link #70
Join Date: Nov 2009
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Originally Posted by Darthtabby View Post
Originally Posted by karice67 View Post
Knowing what I know of Japanese domestic politics and how progressives like Kawamori probably think about Japan's post-war, I highly doubt that.
Could you elaborate on this? I'm curious.
I don't really have time to go into it specifically for Delta, because it's pretty complex. And I probably wouldn't want to until the show's finished, anyway, so I can see where Kawamori and co. land.


Then why do people start wars of independence? Do you really think a nation/country will do that just because they want to fight? Why did the US start a war of independence in the 1700s? Are you really trying to argue that nothing could have happened that would have made Windermere want to regain their independence?

Originally Posted by Triple_R View Post
You highly doubt that Japanese progressives would be against old Japanese nationalistic resentments? Karice, that doesn't even make sense.

Here's some questions for you, Karice - Which side of the NUNs/Windermere conflict keeps talking about annihilating or eradicating or ridding themselves of the other side? Which side acts like peaceful coexistence is completely impossible? Do you really think Kawamori wants these sorts of attitudes to be sympathetic?
The debate in Japan about why Imperial Japan went to war, just how justified that was and how Japan today should 'atone' for the obviously morally wrong actions that it took in some countries that it invaded (though admittedly, Allied countries did similar things) is more complex than you seem to think, going by your posts and that suggestion about what Kawamori might be doing.

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Last edited by karice67; 2016-06-30 at 23:47.
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