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Old 2016-06-22, 22:27   Link #62
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Originally Posted by Kazu-kun View Post
Things aren't that clear though.
Sure they're clear. There's nothing unclear about the five motivations I put forward.

I mean, for example, they want revenge, but revenge for what?
They've addressed what they want revenge for. It's primarily the WMD that was dropped on their world. Which may or may not have been used by NUNs, anyway.

I can somewhat sympathize with them feeling a lot of resentment over that. But it was something that was used during the last war, 7 years ago. There had been peace since that war ended. Quite frankly, maybe they should get over it.

And heck, that might even be the parallel and message that Kawamori is aiming for - That real world Japan benefits by distancing itself from WWII and the old horrors of the past. That old nationalistic resentments does not do Japan any favors. I really do think there's a good chance that Windermere is based on WWII era Japan.

The NUNs likely represent the United States/United Nations. The dismissive arrogance the NUNs show towards Ragna is probably meant to reflect the dismissive cultural arrogance that other nations sometimes see coming from the United States. So yes, NUNs aren't perfect, they're supposed to be flawed, to show that Windermere's grievances with them (just like Japan's grievances with America and the UN) aren't entirely baseless.

Even still, Windermere needs to let it go, and look beyond the flaws of the other side, to see where peaceful coexistence is possible. This may well be where Delta goes.
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