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Old 2016-06-22, 13:45   Link #31
Vallen Chaos Valiant
Logician and Romantic
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Within my mind
Age: 43
Originally Posted by Kazu-kun View Post
We must be watching a different anime, because I've got no clue where you got that idea.
History? Real life history and why people go to war?

Of course the nation has grievances. But the grievances were never enough to justify war. It's just that when you are in a war you are free to shout how much you hate your enemies, instead of keeping one's mouth shut. But in the end they are going to war to gain ruins, to strength their super-weapon further, and using that increased power to expand. This is exactly the same as in WW2 when both German and Japan took over resource-rich nations specifically to allow them to have greater manufacturing capabilities, and using that capability to expand the war even more. This HAPPENED. This is how wars work. Not hypothetical, actual REAL war. And all the talks about Manifest Destiny and cultural superiority was also very much a part of it.

Windermere is a fusion of multiple warmongering nations in our recent history. There is nothing unusual about their actions in any way. Everything they did, someone in real life had already done before.

Windermere soldiers are very much realistic. They kill because they benefit their nation through murder. Some might also think they are getting their revenge for the bombing, but really, in the end it is just all about forming empires. You don't need to look evil to do evil.
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