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Old 2016-06-22, 13:26   Link #29
Vallen Chaos Valiant
Logician and Romantic
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Within my mind
Age: 43
Originally Posted by Kazu-kun View Post
I don't really care so much whether their cause is "righteous." I'm more concerned about understanding what the hell is going on. Honestly, I don't really know what is their motivation. Roid talks about the Protoculture and whatnot but it's clear Keith doesn't give a damn about that, and the king only uses it as propaganda. Everyone seems to fight for something but I don't see the actual reason Windermere as a nation chose to go to war. The show is being pretty ambiguous about it.
What's so ambiguous about it?
They are a kingdom. They went to war to gain territory. What made you think there is any more than that?

There is absolutely nothing unusual about Windermere and what they are currently doing. Everything they said and behaved had been how real life nations started major wars. Flimsy claims of cultural rights to new lands, some past insult with its neighbours that made them mad, and general desire to be a bigger nation than they currently are.

Sure, they got bombed, but every nation has complaints about its neighbours. Not a pretext for world war at all. It is something that is always done but never amount to anything.

Windermere is the most REALISTIC portrayal of a nation starting a war for their own benefit, that I can think of. They are not twirling moustaches, attaching lasers to sharks or making evil laughs, they just... kill people. For territory. That's what real people do. There is no need for there to be any kind of rightous reason beyond that.
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