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Old 2016-06-22, 12:06   Link #27
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Originally Posted by Vallen Chaos Valiant View Post
The Windermere are not even PRETENDING to be good guys. They never tried to defend what they do as being morally right. So why are you assuming they must be doing something righteous despite the fact that their own side doesn't believe it?
I don't really care so much whether their cause is "righteous." I'm more concerned about understanding what the hell is going on. Honestly, I don't really know what is their motivation. Roid talks about the Protoculture and whatnot but it's clear Keith doesn't give a damn about that, and the king only uses it as propaganda. Everyone seems to fight for something but I don't see the actual reason Windermere as a nation chose to go to war. The show is being pretty ambiguous about it.

My guess is that they're doing this for revenge. In the manga we're shown that Keith treasured Heinz as a brother and Roid as a friend, but then something happened, probably during the war 7 years ago, which changed him. Now his anger and hate towards NUNS is so strong that he's willing to sacrifice Heinz and distance himself from Roid. The king seems to be the same.

So what happened? What did NUNS do?

Mind you. Even if I'm right and this is all about revenge, it doesn't mean their motivation is righteous. But again, I don't care about that. I just want to understand where they're coming from. That's what I mean when I said I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt.

Besides, if this is about anger for something horrible NUNS did to them in the past, maybe Chaos can placate that anger with the magic of music and stop the war. This is Macross after all, so that sort of ending wouldn't be out of place.
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