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Old 2016-06-05, 20:35   Link #59
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Originally Posted by Thess View Post
If their goal is to create sympathy, I think they have failed, in my case. I don't feel sympathetic toward some silver spooned good family girl who doesn't get what she wants for once in her life.
Er... i'm pretty sure the only concrete things we know about Mirage's past are that she previously served in NUNS where she got her first kill and was badmouthed because she's not a genius pilot like everyone expected her to be because of her family name. We know nothing about her home life, nothing about what she had to do to even get into NUNS if she's not naturally talented at piloting, nothing to indicate that she in any way feels entitled to the fruits of her grandparents' legacy- she might just feel bad because people badmouth her and maybe because she's internalized the insults and feels like she's actually a failure, despite the bar being set unreasonably high -so i really don't understand where you're getting this 'silver spoon' impression from.

Originally Posted by Thess View Post
I don't even like Freyja and Hayate as romantic partners, but I have absolutely zero sympathy for Mirage's "struggle" when the other characters have serious problems and drama. Kaname has issues like Mirage but she does her best and doesn't go on to feel sorry for herself. They need to make Mirage very endearing before I get to feel bad for her. Just like they did with Messer and Kaname. She just feels like the Ranka's pityfest 2.0: she was always acting insecure in her relationship and career (when Sheryl was feeling bad, she had an actual reason that isn't just her feelings). Granted Mirage isn't anywhere near so dramatic, but because she doesn't have 1/4 of Ranka's screentime. Freyja and Hayate struggled to be acknowledged by Messer and Mikumo and set that as a goal (Mikumo was specially hard and harsh with Freyja), and they didn't go second guessing themselves. I saw nothing close as this initiative from Mirage; at best she just went "Aaah" when Hayate told her to show her best to Messer (I don't blame her character, look at the dialogue she's given, it's really bad sometimes).
She doesn't just sulk while Hayate, Freyja and Kaname optimistically soldier on. As we saw after Messer dressed her down for being too 'textbook,' she takes criticism and works very hard to correct her faults. It's not all 'second guessing herself' if the faults are real, and could get her killed. She may let her deficiencies (real or perceived) have a negative impact on her self-image in a way that the more positive, dynamic characters don't, but she doesn't wallow.

Originally Posted by Thess View Post
Hopefully they'll rectify that soon. They really should have developed her and her relationship to draw in "sympathy" if that's the goal. Like with Misa when Minmay and Hikaru spent Christmas together or when he was with Minmay when she waited for him for hours with their food. You felt sympathetic with Misa's pain because she was fleshed out and she had a relationship with him she felt like the underdog.
I hope they give Mirage more character focus soon as well, and i agree that she is poorly used thus far, if she is intended to be a sympathetic main character and co-equal to Freyja in her importance to the story, but a lot of this sounded rather close to bashing, IMHO.

Last edited by Alhazred; 2016-06-05 at 20:49.
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