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Old 2016-06-05, 19:09   Link #18
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2008
Robots Are Taking White Collar Jobs, Too:

"Last fall, Joshua Browder, an 18-year-old computer science major
from the UK who had reached his wit’s end with “trivial” excuses for
levying fines, created a website for friends and family plagued by
parking tickets. Within a month, logged 6,500
complaints from disgruntled motorists. The site pulls together
everything necessary for drivers to send complaints and defenses to
the local council, including photos of road marking and ambiguous
signage, and it can “generate winning appeals to parking tickets in
seconds.” After helping drivers avoid thousands of dollars in fines,
Browder upgraded the service.

Billed as the “world’s first robot lawyer,” DoNotPay now does more than
register complaints for parking tickets. Browder got so many emails
asking for help that he modified the site to more closely replicate a
human lawyer. An interaction with the DoNotPay robot resembles a
text conversation, but unlike Microsoft’s recent debacle with the Tay
chatbot, Browder’s AI doesn’t insult or seduce people. Instead, it gives
real-time legal advice, answer questions, and files claims for basic
legal situations, all for free."

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