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Old 2016-06-05, 18:09   Link #56
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Originally Posted by Alhazred View Post
I do like the muted emphasis on love shenanigans as well, i just don't feel like Mirage has dropped enough hints that i buy her side of the exchange. With Freyja, sure; i can see her still being anxious about Mirage and Hayate. However i think the closest Mirage has gotten to showing affection has been her constant focus on Hayate when he's in the cockpit; it's bordering on dangerous distraction, really, but she hasn't had any 'realization' moments like Freyja. As such, it seems like this is the first instance where she's shown concern over Freyja's closeness to him so it struck me as a bit sudden.
But that's what I was saying - that Mirage wasn't all "oh no, I love Hayate and I'm not OK with his clearly very close relationship with Freyja!" It was "yeah, Hayate and Freyja totally have something going on, and I'm not sure why but that doesn't make me feel happy." Or maybe "Hayate totally has a thing for Freyja and I'm not really OK with that." It's similar to what happened with Freyja in the previous episode, really - she didn't exactly have an "I love Hayate!" realization either, all she realized was that she was jealous, but we never saw her actually thinking over what this meant.

Also, in the wharf scene Mirage's concern over Freyja is not just over Hayate. Remember, the scene was about Freyja's success as Walküre. Meanwhile, Mirage is still having her inferiority complex issues over her own (perceived) lack of success at her own job. So basically she feels that even Freyja, who joined the group only a short while ago, has passed her.

Originally Posted by Thess View Post
In general, they need to actually remember she's a main character. It's like they forget she exists unless they need to drop a reminder this is a triangle or she needs to secretly feel sorry for herself.
Mirage's time in the spotlight will definitely come, especially now that Messer is gone and everyone needs to step up their game. So far the focus was on worldbuilding/plot and newcomers Hayate and Freyja establishing themselves as members of their respective groups. That's quite enough focus for 20 minute long episodes. But now both Hayate and Freyja are well-established members of the squadron/Walküre so the writing can branch out.

(Frankly, as much as I adore Hayate and Freyja, if the triangle comes to a conclusion during the course of the series I would be surprised - pleasantly, mind, but surprised - if Mirage wasn't the "winner". IMO currently they're building up to the "poor Mirage feels she has no chance, let's feel sorry for her" phase of her romance arc. )
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