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Old 2016-05-31, 09:00   Link #67
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Join Date: Jun 2006
Frak just to show how serious Var is it wiped out an entire colony on Alfheim. This was two years ago and Messer was there.

As stated in the 2nd Forbes interview of Shoji Kawamori Fold Bacteria has spread after the Vajra left. How this happened isn't explained in the anime but the prequel manga may have answers. At least it isn't killing its hosts like Ranshe and Sheryl was. The Vajra may have done something so won't kill humans and related races. Perhaps it is meant to facilitate communication once the Sub-Protoculture races leave the Milky Way and meet the Vajra again. Unfortunately it has been taken advantaged of by Windermere to facilitate terrorist acts.
We probably have to take account Galactic Whales a fold capable species have bacteria on them. A vaccine was developed to allow off worlders to live on Zola. Otherwise it is pretty deadly unless treated early with disinfectant or you take a bath at the Whale graveyard hotspring at Catsnake forest.

Protoculture ruins typically has energy shafts reaching to the planet's core. This in line with Macross 7 where in Rax the Protoculture ruins raised itself from deep underground from a volcanic island.

For Walkure it is a hit and miss activating them. Depending on circumstances. If Basara was there he can probably activate them himself with his status as Anima Spiritia.

Mirage is concerned being Var'ed as she doesn't have Fold Receptors. Uh Mirage you have family that have Fold Receptors. Your grandparents , Max and Milia, and aunt Mylene didn't manifest them at first but after continuous exposure to Basara singing they eventually had it as well. Your aunt Emilia? Also a powerful Fold Receptor that don't need tech and is more in line with a the legend of a Wind Singer.
The common denominator is that they learn to sing themselves instead of just listening to Basara.

And this is where Roid is mistaken in saying the ruins being just rocks without Wind Singers? Humans has Wind Singers it is just they don't call them that. Among the Mayans they are known as Shrine Maidens. Among modern Humans they are legendary Songstresses mostly, Basara a legendary Rock Star called by the Protodevlin and Protoculture as Anima Spiritia. Though I suppose Roid already knows that and lied to Keith so that he wont do anything rash. Rocks floating responding to Sara's song in Macross Zero.

On the triangle front Freyja became jealous due to a rumor by bridge bunnies and when it was cleared up was relieved. This lead her to meeting Messer at the beach. This'll be an odd friendship I think.

Originally Posted by deadite View Post
Var Syndrome is an existing pbenomenon that Windermere just recently learned to use. The first time they utalized it was Al Shahal where thr Knights were sent to gather data. Var has been happening all throughout the galaxt prior to Windermere learning to direct it.
Al Shahal was the first case of using biological foldwaves to cause Var attacks. Prior cases was because of their apples and ruin waters which encouraged fold bacteria growth.

How Fold Bacteria spread will probably explained in Macross Extra manga.
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