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Old 2016-05-30, 03:10   Link #37
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Originally Posted by Tenzen12 View Post
Was it? I didn't heard any other singer there. Though it would make more sense for Messer being saved by Kaname as Valkure than as mere idol. So you might be right after all.
It's not my speculation, that's what she tells Mirage.
"The song 'Axia' - it's your song, right?"
"Oh, that... it's a song from when I was the 'ace', before Mikumo came. ... This song is the last one I sung as Walküre's ace."

As for why you didn't hear others in it, even currently they have Mikumo or Freyja songs where they sing as lead singer and the others sing as a background choir.

Originally Posted by Tenzen12 View Post
As for her talent, no matte what she acknowledge, she is more star material than Minmey, Ranka or Freya ever was. This crap is obviously result of her ex manager brainwashing her (you don't need do that much to cause few psychological complexes) to cover own incompetence
Where are you even getting this from? (Also, did you really have to bash characters who are not even relevant here? Also, Minmay? Seriously?) Kaname is no star material, she acknowledges it herself, it's further implied in the show (Mirage didn't even recognize the song, which she should have even if it came out before she joined the Delta Squadron which means that Walküre didn't make it big until Mikumo joined), and it's really really obvious when you compare her to Mikumo or, yes, Freyja. She's cute and she sings well but you need more than that to be a star, and Kaname didn't have the charisma or talent to make it big on her own. And that's OK, no character needs to be a superstar to be likeable. Kaname says that she thinks she's more suited to be the leader and pull everyone along (something that Mikumo would be absolute crap at), which is no small feat.
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