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Old 2016-04-29, 18:10   Link #69
Join Date: May 2009
Green River is not a bad SSR pull for newcomers thanks to his 10x damage buff. Still useful later on due to Slow and his fast Ougi re-charge. His long Ougi animation is a problem, though.
Elmott? That's a common symptom of pure ability attackers in SR. You'll see a lot of those later on.

Things to spend cash on:

Starterdash ticket - what you get just by starting on this game. 3000yen, and you can trade whoever you want that's available inside the gacha on the day you started.
If you play for moe and fun, just pick whoever you want. But if you play for serious and wants to challange the end game contents? SSR Yoda Roushi is the only choice.

Surprise Ticket - same as Starterdash ticket, usually shows up every 3 or 4 months. But it only shows up during the period where limited gacha characters are not available.

Star Legend Fes - 3000yen too. It guarantees one SSR from the gacha. Sometimes it might be character guaranteed only or summon guaranteed only.
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