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Old 2016-04-21, 14:16   Link #50
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2012
I'd disagree of her invalidating Nio.
If you are outside AT or in a situation you cannot start with Ougi at Full, you still need the acceleration to speed up while you still can't enhance with Korwa's Ougi.
And even if you can get the loop going with her, you can't really maintain it 100% permanently like before. In that case Nio can cover the downtime
And for one, Nio's buff is stackable with her (be it DA up or the ATK) so you can always top them up together

Whether you want to put Nio or Siete with Korwa is another matter depending on what are you fighting against.
If it's just Magna-class or weaker boss, you don't need both Siete and Petra at the same time to reach cap.
If it's Earth boss, more room to replace either Petra or Siete with Nio since you can Critical with her.

So I'd say it's not completely invalidating Nio from the roster selection, can just mix and mash according to what you need specifically depending on the enemy you are fighting against.
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