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Old 2016-04-18, 13:14   Link #41
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: event horizon
Some more newbie questions,

[1] Can you get CP points from anything else other then rank up? And, is it possible to refund a class? dont think I goofed yet but just asking so I know if I need to be super careful with every little CP.

[2] Any tips on getting SSR summons? Aside from luck of course. Kind of getting by from snatching every Grand Order I can as support summon but when it comes to my own summons I don't even bother using them.

[3] Whats the best way to farm rupies? Uncaping characters is kind of demanding on them. I actually saved every rupie until now and still ended up totally broke from raising my SSR and some favorite SR characters to 50.

Originally Posted by Shadow5YA View Post
My characters are also in their 40s right now, and since I've been spending all my AP on the events, I have a feeling I won't have the mats needed to limit break/uncap them a second time before they hit 50...
This is exactly why I'm not even bothering. When I actually get to someplace more confortable with character levels I'll join these events. Had a friend who's actually ahead of me in levels grind on it and just get stuck on them. I did hear something about being able to trade the stuff for ap bottles and such so I guess its not a total loss if you dont get the character.
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