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Old 2016-04-17, 14:11   Link #33
阿賀野型3番艦、矢矧 Lv180
*Graphic Designer
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Belgium, Brussels
Age: 37
Light (and Dark) elements are a bit harder to deal with as there is not farmable SR weapons that would be useful for such elements unlike the other 4.
Your best bet is to join as many Chevalier Magna (Luminiera Omega) as possible whenever you can, and getting weapons from Guild wars as their default element is light.

Aside of that, it is the usual luck factor with gacha SR/SSR weapons.

As for summons, you will have to use Proto Bahamut for a while until you obtain a light summon from the gacha, get enough Chevalier Magna weapons AND Chevalier summon OR wait for an event that has a light summon reward.
Alternatively, you can wait for Corow but she will be quite hard to farm in your case.

Even if you got a unholy luck with your light team characters, I'd recommend to build another team with another element just in case, even if they are "only" SR.
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