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Old 2016-04-13, 17:27   Link #22
Join Date: May 2009
Originally Posted by Kirayuki View Post
Did stuff like...what ? There were nothing that technically against the contract/agreement for the gacha use with the Anchira incident.
What arouse Bureau's attention here is the fact people getting raged on this, and the majority of those are not even people who actually spend 700k yen for Anchira herself.
And let's not forget people who are just hitchhiking just because they can.

Stupid enough to catch the attention maybe, but it's pretty irrelevant now. Looking on it Cygames probably profiting even more now with all the new perks they decided to add in (and it's not like they are paying back for the gacha fees people spent, they just give you back the crystal to roll more)
And as a result, it's the non-whaler/low cash users that becomes the victim of this in the end since the game slowly upgrading their P2W ideology.
Those people reap what they sow, and those people who don't have anything to do with that get the short-end of stick too.
The transparancy problem in gacha can be get away with is because the gacha is grey, not because it has been legally proven that no consumer rights will be infriged when a company do that. So on this specific area, Cygame and the mobs are even. Cygame can make money using the grey area, and the mobs can tackle that grey area to make a scene as well. So there really is nothing to argue about on this specific aspect. (Unless there are specific law and court rulings that upheld the company's right to not be transparent, then I'll stand corrected).
Secondly, I 100% aware the scene was created by the people who didn't pull that much gacha. In fact I believe the scene is really created by the people who didn't even play GBF. But those annoy bystander activists who wants to complain on regulations because they can (where is Amakasu when you need him?). This incident reached the government so fast this time made me believe they are the real ones behind it. But like I said, mob mentality exists.

Where Cygame screwed up is 1, this became a scene. 2, the rate problem is actully getting attention because of that scene. From a practicaly stand point, the transparency issue actually isn't that much of a problem, in terms of financial gain anyway. But if the regulation is touching on the actual output of the gacha, it can cause a reduction in profit if consumers get their ways. And Cygame is pretty aware of this, which is why their compensation for Anchira went beyond just compensation. They added the new 300 roll rule, and the moon system that supplements it. I must agree this is a very smart move on Cygame's part that added an alternative to get SSR characters and SSR FLB Weapons without solely relying on probability (thus moving away from the rates problem before it becamea problem) while still maintain profit.

But this does not change my opinion that Cygame is stupid for allowing the mob to get to the point of making them to do all these clean ups in the first place.
And I think your nit pick is 100% correct. If they didn't release new chars with Anchira, the mobs would not have notice this at all.
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