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Old 2016-04-13, 12:12   Link #15
Join Date: May 2009
Originally Posted by Kirayuki View Post
There was no false advertising at all from Anchira's tho, that's just how RNG works.
People making a ruckus on Anchira's being lower than the other new chars at the time was pretty much people who don't know how digital Gacha works
There were goevrnment intervention though, and it was deemed grey.
And the Cygame either has to take correction measure or face consequences. (And this is not the first time Cygame got warnings from the government either).

So no, Cygame cross over the line enough to let the government lay their fingers on them.

Fine, you can argue that the Bureau just butted in because they want attention.
But that doesn't change the fact that Cygame is stupid because the Bureau already had their eyes on them from cases before and still did stuff that would arouse the Bureau's attention.
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