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Old 2016-04-11, 14:35   Link #161
I disagree with you all.
Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by willyvereb View Post
Let me get this straight.
People don't have problem with Alto literally dodging autocannon shells in his Ex-Gear or generally mech pilots bullet timing with their machines and performing other impossible maneuvers yet when the girls start to do some acrobatics that's suddenly BS?

Come on, it's fiction. If you'd watch shows with a bit more open eye you'd notice that superhuman showings are pretty common in almost any of them.
May the Rule of Cool be with ya!
I've got two issues with it:
- the look of it. If they wore Metal Hero style armor, maybe I'd find it vaguely more tolerable, but as magical girls, it just looks silly.
- nobody ever said going into a furball in Ex-Gear was a good idea. It's something you do when there's no other choice. But here, it's basically plan A.

I'm all for Rule of Cool. It's just a matter of what we find "cool".
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