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Old 2016-03-26, 21:38   Link #25
Ha ha ha ha ha...
*Graphic Designer
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Right behind you.
Age: 35
Thank God that's over. I only watched this show because it had the name "Utawarerumono" attached to it. But... almost this entire show was painfully bad. Boring characters, overused tropes, and just barely enough of the old show in it for those of us who liked the first ones to be reminded how this could have been better in every possible way. Was there even really a central plot? If there was I literally can't think of what it was. Kuon was the only good part of it, and yet she kept getting pushed to the side despite being a more interesting character than Haku. Oshutoru had some potential, but he got as much fleshing out as a character as Munechika, despite having more than triple the screen time. I thought that the ending would at least be worthwhile, but not only was it a semi-cliffhanger, it did nothing to conclude.... anything.

Utter disappointment. I'm going to delete all references to this show off my hard drive and forget that I ever watched it. I actually feel stupid for having suffered through every episode just to be rewarded with one of the worst anime endings I've seen in a long time.

For the record, I have NOT played the Uta2 game. I'm actually glad I didn't, now. If the plot is even vaguely similar to this, I'm sure I would have been equally bored out of my mind.

I honestly still can't believe I didn't drop this after the first 4 episodes. Ugh. That's 8 1/2 hours of my life I'll never get back.
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