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Old 2016-03-21, 08:55   Link #19
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2014
I still don't understand why Axmann burnt the Stasi Archives. (plus that Layout looked pretty inefficient)

Is it too late or can we still rename that west german pilot to ass-girl?
Oh, and general (or whatever we was again), the word you were searching for when talking about the "intervention in force" was "invasion".

I guess once this is over I will have to either get a grip on the source material or at least read the wiki about Beatrix, it feels like there is much more to her than we got in the anime. I am generally a bit in a Muv-Luv hype right now, what is considered to be the best part of it available to us westerners?

Originally Posted by Xero8420 View Post
Noooo! Gretel died! I wanted you alive!
By the way, is it me or do I find Anett looks attractive? I think she can become Theo's waifu when most of his waifu candidates died.
It is not just you. And the longer the series progressed the more she grew on me. Sadly, I don't believe she will survive the last bloodbath. #KeepAnettAlive #SaveOurWaifus
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