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Old 2016-03-12, 23:11   Link #9
Last Sinner
You're Hot, Cupcake
Join Date: Aug 2008
Age: 43
Wouldn't the fact that the anime doesn't contain several key parts of the character development therefore be motivation for fans interested enough to go track down the VN or LN? Which kind of is the whole point?

Anime adaptations are rarely going to have the time to be utterly faithful, even rarer to have the money to do so + the financial payoff to justify it. Furthermore, if the anime is going to be a perfect replication, wouldn't it be motivation to get one rather than both?

I'm sure Beatrix's backstory will get some form of mention. Not to the degree you'd probably like, but one that will hopefully do the Beatrix - Jurgen - Irisdina link enough for fresh fans to get a grasp of it.

One thing that's always bugged me about the LN - in that, Lise confessed to Theodor that she was a Stasi spy before the big defensive, but said she would leave the Stasi and fight for the 666th. Theodor simply believed Lise and never told anyone, even Irisdina. Not telling Lise's true nature without proof is one thing. But Lise straight out told him! And Theodor doesn't tell Irisdina?! What the heck is that meant to say about how he feels about Irisdina? If Theodor truly did care about Irisdina, he'd have told her about Lise in a heartbeat. I don't care what you say - the fact Theodor - as he usually does - did nothing at the critical moment - that pretty much tears apart whatever happened between them. If Irisdina is his one source of hope and the one he wants to follow, then he wouldn't do such a thing....Why did you think the director of the anime changed that so the reveal happened when the Werewolves made their move? Because it made far more sense, gave Lise more impact and didn't cause the damage to Theodor and Irisdina that the original reveal did.

The things you say about seem to think people don't think those things or feel those ways. Well, I've looked in other places and they feel/think those things about Lise. As for the more 'dramatic' reactions Lise had in Episode 9, on top of the fact that Lise wasn't captured like she was in the LN, wouldn't that be a flag that Lise's fate is different to the LN's and taking a different ending available in the VN? Whether you like her or not, Lise is one of the best things going for the anime version. Furthermore, liking Lise never seemed to be the point. She has been put through hell, broken and eventually done unforgivable things. Lise is still worthy of empathy and Axmann still deserves to freaking pay for what he did to Lise, Beatrix, Irisdina and countless others. Which is why I still say - let Lise kill Axmann. Give her character a bigger impact and make the mix of emotions towards her even more volatile.

As for the deaths - it's a war title where the outlook was already bleak. Did people expect the majority of the regular cast to live? I never did. Furthermore, there's far bleaker/more nihilstic titles where entire casts are wiped out. Not everything was lost in this title. Some characters lived and from what I understand, while Germany as a country was lost, weren't the people evacuated? That still means plenty and justifies Irisdina's ultimate sacrifice.

Not saying you're wrong, Nozomu. It is a fact this title definitely had key character development missing. But I don't think this adaptation is a wreck.
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