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Old 2016-03-09, 10:59   Link #4
Obelisk ze Tormentor
Black Steel Knight
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Indonesia
Oh, they’ll make a movie sequel? Yeah, sure, why not? I’ll gladly watch it.

I guess, unlike many people, I don’t hate Mahouka. I’m just an anime-only watcher and to me Mahouka has always been this oddly entertaining anime where I can just sitback leisurely and watch Tatsuya (who is a trained and experienced war veteran) impressing, schooling, owning, and humiliating highshcool kids (and terrorists too) which is clearly below him. He’s kinda like the JSDF who is schooling the medieval civilization in Gate when you think about it. One thing I enjoy from Tatsuya’s OP-ness in Mahouka is that he’d do the necessary action without so much fuss, angst and faux-tension (as long as his sister is safe) unlike, for example, what SAO did with Kirito.

And I like how some notable female characters already have their own boyfriends/lovers/love-interests and Tatsuya didn’t monopolize their attention even though the show itself still leans towards harem.
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