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Old 2016-02-24, 10:20   Link #1007
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2009
Originally Posted by NaweG View Post
Did anyone else see this:

and immediately wonder if anyone from IBM actually WATCHED SAO at some point? This seems like a PR disaster just waiting to happen.

I know that an Oculus won't fry your brain (at least I'm not aware of any way for a non-broken one to do so), but the first person that gets motion sickness and you can imagine the headlines from there...
Discussion about this would be better placed in this thread.

That said, I'm sure people from IBM have watched SAO, and don't see any issue. Potential health problems like motion sickness or bumping into stuff are things that would be true of any immersive VR. They are also fairly well known potential problems. No one is going to get much in the way of sensationalism out of them should they arise, and using SAO or making their own won't change that.
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