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Old 2016-02-22, 15:57   Link #2
Join Date: Jun 2015
Location: In the woody armpit of Atlantic canada
Age: 34
Playing the game right now. I'm just at the part where they arrive at the capital and get settled in at the inn. SO far, about half a dozen differences stand out.

-First, the very first scene of the game is of Haku being taken care of by Kuon in her tent. He shortly falls asleep, and when he wakes up, he walk out of the tent, and being disoriented, gets lost, what follows is pretty much as seen in the first episode.

-As Haku and Kuon make their way to the village, they don't just hear wolves, they fight a bunch of them. Haku tries to look cool with a big branch, ends up getting bitten. Village stuff is pretty much copy paste from game to show.

-When Haku first meets Rurutie and Kocopo, he doesn't get confused as in the show, but he ends up getting chased around by the big bird, to Rurutie's dismay, who can do little to help Haku's predicament. Kuon ends up saving him from the mound of fluff.

-Haku first meets the twins (wearing their burka like veils) in the mountain village.

-As they set out for the capital, Haku ends up seeing much of Kuonss skin (I'd say less than in the anime equivalent) when she's taking a bath inside their tent (just her, Rurutie is somewhere else) and the drape she used to give herself some privacy falls out. Not too sure on specifics, but Haku blows his chance for a smooth and painless retreat (he exits the tent, and goes back in, seemingly to look at her again) and ends up feeling pain.

-After that, the fight with the bandits while getting to the capital. We don't actually get to see the fight in the bandit's lair, and Kokopo is very much a beast, and there's an actual fight between Haku's party and the bandits.

-When the party reaches the capital and gets introduced to the INN, Kuon's introduction to the baths plays similarly to the anime, and she ends up stripping and jumping int the water all in one go.... except that in the game, she does so in the presence of Haku and Ukon (who was giving them a tour of the place), and from the looks of it, she also forcibly strips Rurutie so that she can take a bath with her.... Yeah, that girl be crazy. She snaps out of it, eventually.

That's it so far.

Last edited by MeanMachine; 2016-02-22 at 17:16.
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