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Old 2016-02-21, 12:07   Link #39
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Newfoundland, Canada
Age: 42
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I see Alf's points. Friends vs. Family, New Home vs. Old Home, I can understand these being hard decisions with no easy answer.

But that's precisely the problem in the execution of the current Utawa 2 arc - Kuon seems remarkably easygoing and relaxed about all of this. It doesn't seem to bother her in the least that she is betraying her family and her people. There's not the slightest sense of inner anguish or turmoil to Kuon's character, and there really ought to be given what the anime has shown so far.

In fact, it's like what Kurou said - Kuon seems to be treating this all like some game. There's something very off-putting and disconcerting about that. Episode 20 often had this almost Looney Tunes-esque comedy vibe to it that clashes nastily with the actual seriousness and gravity of the situation. It's kinda like the anime writers are trying to BS the viewers into not noticing the severity of Kuon's actions by glossing it over with loads and loads of conventional Haku-style comedy.

There's much I've liked about Utawa 2, but the full show is leaving a lot to be desired, and has some serious tonal and characterization issues. Having recently watched the first few episodes of Utawa 1, I'm starting to see Utawa 2 has a weak and perhaps even unworthy sequel to the original.
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