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Old 2016-02-20, 22:07   Link #15
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: InterWebs
Originally Posted by Usami_Haru View Post
Yeah, she thinks there's no chance in hell that Tuskur's going to lose and is deadly afraid of them slaughtering her friends. She pretty much begs Munechika to try to not fight Benawi no matter what if she happens to see him (which everyone misunderstands as her not wanting her friends in Tuskur to be killed). It has nothing to do with stopping the war or whatnot she's simply very worried about her friends (Haku in particular).
Yeah, everyone including Munechika herself thought Kuon was begging Munechika to spare Benawi if she sees him. Munechika was ashamed that she's grown conceited because of the mask and re-learned what humility meant after actually fighting Benawi. Btw where's the rest of Haku's gang supposed to be? They were all there when they witnessed Kurou being an immortal monster in the game.

Btw another thing to mention is that nobody in Tuskuru is taking the invasion of Yamato seriously (even the foot soldiers). If they had been serious, they wouldn't stop at simply cutting off supplies to Munechika's fort and harassing their troops, and Haku wouldn't even had a chance to deliver anything anywhere as they would be routed very very quickly. You could infer that Tuskuru probably have very minimal casualties since the invasion began.

Also, I guess it's safe to mention this now since they have plenty of opportunity to show it up to this point but didn't and I doubt they're keeping anything else faithful. Atui is supposed to not just be strong, she's supposed to be a battle maniac similar to Karura, trembling, smiling and laughing with a blank expression like a yandere when she sees someone strong like Kurou. Her nickname in her own country was "Shahharo's Mad Princess". I wonder why they keep her fluffy atmosphere all the time even in battle in the anime.
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