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Old 2016-02-20, 15:59   Link #4
Join Date: Jun 2015
Location: In the woody armpit of Atlantic canada
Age: 34
Originally Posted by thundrakkon View Post
Kuon is a real idiot in all this! Seriously! Want to end the war quickly? By defeating your own country's army? The only way, at it's original path, to end the war quickly was to allow the invaders victory and destroy Tusukuru. She was toying with the lives of her men. That is just so unforgivable.

That said, of course the story turns around in the end in order for her actions not to have any effect. They are going to return to Yamato now. Emperor dead probably means that someone killed him, since he was fine and dandy before. There is no reason to fake a death either, since it doesn't serve a purpose to invading Tusukuru. I'm guessing Vurai might have played a role in it.

Personally, my money is on Woshiu (however you actually spell the name). As for the Kuon thing towards invading Tuskuru, no idea on how she's rationalizing it myself.

If I was her, I would have ditched the group, went back home, and asked my BoroBoro of an uncle what the heck was going on, and seen what I could have done going from there to end the war as smoothly as possible. I mean, it's clear that Tuskuru was serious, and while Vurai might have been trouble had he had the opportunity to come over, I think Urtory and her folowers probably would have been able to do something about him. As for Haku, he would have been fine without her, what with the Twins and his accompanying muscle, and in the game he come's up with a plan on his own (balloon!) without her involvment.
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