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Old 2016-02-12, 18:01   Link #67
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Join Date: Feb 2014
Originally Posted by Chris38 View Post
Well ... you just brought up the reason why I doubt the whole resealing scenario is actually going to work - at least in the form that you presented.

The reason is ... because it all sounds too easy and convenient and at least to me, would be a little anticlimactic way to end this arc.

Of course I'm aware that the actual realization of this scenario is definitely more difficult then it sounds to be ... but honestly I don't expect that Rosswisse's spell to actually completely work on resealing Trihexa since it sounds too good that something that she has developed when she was younger and wasn't even aware of Trihexa's actual existence would work completely well without any side effects appearing.

In fact I'm more willing to bet that it's going to have some effect on reducing Trihexa's power, but after using it some other side effects are going to appear as well ... causing the DxD team to have to revise their initial plan ... on the scene...
I agree with this, it would simply be anticlimatic if the battle against Trihexa is resolved just using the back up plan of Rose's seal and a few heavy hitters to distract him.

Most likely the seal doesn't work for some reason but weakens Trihexa down enough to fight or something along those lines.

I doubt we can predict how Trihexa is defeated from what we know now, it will likely be in a very unexpected way, typically during the climax of the arc the author throws a curve ball into the mix and surprises us with how the big monster falls, a perfect example being how Ise fused with Great Red to defeat the Jabberwaki.

Edit: Maybe Ise recharges using every member of his harems oppai power and reenters DxD mode and vaporizes Trihexa using the Infinite Great Red Longinus Oppai Smasher.
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