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Old 2016-02-05, 14:12   Link #44
Actually an Alligator
Join Date: Nov 2008
Age: 28
Originally Posted by MeanMachine View Post
Yeah, been wondering about that myself. In the first game, I know we can see chickens in one of he background panels. In the second game, we see what looks like a smaller version of Kokopo pecking around in the background when you're in the snow village, tough I don't know if its raised for eating. Other than that, not much. I don't remember seeing cats or dogs (I mean normal, pet sized cat and dogs, so you don'y count, Mukkur.) in the first series or them being mentioned in the first game. The closest we got was Gakatar or however you spell his name.

Makes me wonder, do they have rats and other pests running around? Because if they do, they practically NEED to have cats and dogs or an equivalent running about, because that's pretty much how pre industrial people took care of pests.
The birds are called Hororon birds and they are raised for eating. According to Rurutie, Kokopo is also a hororon bird but people don't believe her since Hororon birds are small and vibrantly colored so he probably is some kind of strange aberration.

There are creatures called oruke in the game that resemble dogs/wolves which are used as guard dogs, battle dogs and for races. In the game Haku and Kuon took Aruruw and Kamyu to a dog-racing arena when they where visiting (Haku tried to use Aruruws abilities to cheat). They actually list quite a lot of animals and food in the game's encyclopedia since there are so many scenes with the characters eating. There are like 6 different kind of fish mentioned, along with animals resembling cows, pigs and sheep. There is also a creature resembling a cat (I think it was outright said that it's a deification of the old cat which went extinct in the ancient times or something similiar). They're not used as pets though since they are mythical creatures that you rarely see.
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