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Old 2016-01-31, 19:46   Link #7
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2014
Of course the sister is not (closely) related by blood -.-
The brits are the one eating BETAs? Aren't the french the ones that eat everything?
The numbers for the ground forces seem a bit wierd. Thousands of tanks, but just 30k infantry? Maybe they have proven to be very ineffective and therefore largely reduced in numbers, but 30k are nothing in a modern war.

Pretty good episode.

In the end I was a bit confused of what all was going on. The east sent in some ship bombardement while their mechas engaged the betas in close quarter. I assumed a lack of communication capabilities, but then they got a warning about incoming bombardement. Didn't get why the political officer insisted on staying, after all now their artillery took over. The west sent in some artillery recons first then they also just send in the mechas, pretty unbothered with the bombardement from the easts ships. Where those rockets they fired the artillery they scouted for?

Last edited by mergele; 2016-01-31 at 22:54.
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