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Old 2015-11-26, 01:21   Link #52
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Join Date: Apr 2013
Originally Posted by mufarasu View Post
Personally, I like the MC. We finally have a guy that sticks to his principles (no matter how weird they are). It's his first time, and he wants it to be special. Here we also have female characters with PERSONALITY instead of the usual "interaction with MC" *falls in love* followed by constant cock tease, or having the female essential become a living onahole.

I also praise the fact that we have an "ugly" MC. Too many novels have the MC transform into an ikeman, or have "average looks" while still being ikeman. It adds a sense of greatly appreciated reality to the story. In my opinion he looks like an average Asian from the illustration anyway. No matter what he says about his face.

I also noticed a bunch of people freaking out about NTR earlier in this thread, and I have to say I think you're all overreacting. This isn't a hentai where NTR = rape & mind break❤. I'd say it adds further realism to the story. Like in real life people break up because they are no longer attracted to their significant other, and have found someone else.
By greatly appreciated reality, if that's the case he should be an average man with an average looking girl interested in him, and even if you consider an average looking guy as an "ikemen", that doesn't hold true for the characters in the story, so really a moot point, you can view an average guy that looks like an ikemen, but the chars can view him as just average, and in the end doesn't really change anything.

Unless you talking about aesthetics purely from the pictures and drawings.

Normally i would be against this kind of scenarios, but imo seems fitting for the story and mc like this, hoping for a bromance end, where they both walk into the sunset hoping to lose their virginity together.

Last edited by sasoras; 2015-11-26 at 01:42.
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