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Old 2015-11-25, 16:51   Link #43
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Join Date: Aug 2015
Originally Posted by luffyxnami View Post
Wait, so you are saying the mc should have bang the blonde knight? Hey, she is not his type so he didn't, how does that make him ass? how exactly is she a poor girl? she is fine being the ikemen sf and she decided to dump him when he can't live up to her expectation of being strong while the mc can, so doesn't that mean she only like mc for his strength/gene rather than who he is so to me she seem really shallow.
No, I'm saying he should get a more personal reason. From what I've seen, Blondie shows enough interst in the prontagonist to break things off with the knight and pursue the protagonist somewhat earnestly. Things can develop from there. And wasn't he attracted to her before he found out she had had sex before? So now he shuts her down on the reason that she's not a virgin. He's free to do that, of course, but to me his reason still makes him an ass and my symptathy lies with the girl.
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