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Old 2015-11-25, 04:35   Link #11
Kaito Yamakage
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2007
Originally Posted by wuhugm View Post
^MC sounds like an asshole

Why do the girls like him anyway?
He's fucking ugly
The MC has an incosistent personality. The inner thoughts and the way he interacts with people don't match up, though it's done consistently and well written throughout the story. He interacts with just about everyone very formally and almost never refuses to help, his internal monolgues during all this are on the level of Rudeus from MT or worse. He fights several dragons, a war, builds a city, basically the usual TUEE stuff.

Him being fucking ugly yet building a harem without intending to with heroines he has no interest in is part of the amusement. Half the heroines hate him or want to kill him.

Also, his goals are based around his looks, the first part of the story is him becoming an alchemist so he can create a youth potion.

I'll say it again but this is not the usual stuff, but closer to a parody.
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