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Old 2015-11-04, 10:29   Link #85
Join Date: Apr 2007
Originally Posted by LROlsson View Post
I still believe that Touka and Karura was there to spy on the emperor since he looked like a normal person(if they ever saw him), and him living so long and the masks probably raised an eyebrow to them.
The secret passage under the inn leading straight to imperial palace was surprising. It would have took years of preparation for the construction to complete and without anyone noticing. I hope they would delve further about why the Tuskuru side took such drastic measures in the next game.

Also, what do you think of Haku not revealing the thing about him taking Oshtoru's identity to the rest of the party especially Kuon? I'm sure they wouldn't rat him out and keep the secret safe. I can't help but expecting Kuon and Haku will face each other in the battlefield because of this hasty decision.
And the twins! I bet they could tell it was Haku under the mask from his smell or something or Haku himself would tell them to stop the twins from killing themselves because their one only master has gone.
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