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Old 2015-11-04, 09:23   Link #84
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Originally Posted by Godslayer View Post
Just finished the game, I think Raikou is also suspicious the way he acts when the capital was in chaos. He also held down Mikazuchi from chasing Vurai that leads to Oshtoru's death. But it could be all red herring and he's only an opportunist looking to take more power in the midst of the chaos.
Entoa is also suspicious as hell since she has such a lust for revenge against Oshtoru back then before Honoka picked her up. Who knows if the real villain was using that to drive her to frame Oshtoru.
About Vurai, I bet he is still barely alive even though he falls from the cliff since we didn't see him actually vanished like Oshtoru, or someone else picked up his mask.

I'm still curious about what's the purpose of Kagura and Touka running an inn in Yamato? Was it really for assassinating the Emperor if the war situation calls for it?
Also in the final battle against Vurai, did Kuon also feel the effect from the twins' sealing spell?
I could see Raikou do something like this, I only don't think he had the opportunity to perform this. He seems more like he could have waited longer, but starts to act now since someone else is.
Etona feels like a red hearing to me, and I think she was only used. She seemed sincere with her letting go of it all after her talk with Haku in the cavern, but she probably still hates Oshutoru. I should replay the game soon to see if i missed something.
Vrai isn't dead, I can't accept it, people don't die when they fall of a cliff in "Anime". He is also someone that Haku has to defeat in order to fully succeed Oshutoru in my opinion.

I still believe that Touka and Karura was there to spy on the emperor since he looked like a normal person(if they ever saw him), and him living so long and the masks probably raised an eyebrow to them.
And yeah, it seemed like the spell was affecting Kuon, wouldn't be weird since the spell was used to seal her father.
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