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Old 2015-10-25, 13:06   Link #2
Junior Member
Join Date: Jul 2015
Location: California, land of drought and hellfire
The full title: Baka to Test to Shoukanju

The author, studio, or other information that will help identify the work

Produced by Silver Link
Directed by Shin Ōnuma
Based on Light Novel created by Kenji Inoue

A brief explanation of the setting and premise (no spoilers!)

MC, named Akihisa Yoshii, isn't just a dumbass. He's a LEGENDARY dumbass. The dumbest kid in his school, he gets a special title just so everyone knows who he is. This school uses a unique system that allows people to summon chibi-variants of themselves to fight, with strength based on test scores, while Yoshii, being the dumbest, gets special powers. A story of the underdogs taking over, to keep it short.

A brief summary of why you like it and/or why you think others might like it

Aside from the always-heartwarming underdog victory theme, this show makes use of limited fanservice, people of questionable gender, chronic abuse of the mentally injured (Read: abusing the dumbass just for shenanigans), and EPIC reference game to keep your lungs empty and your head hurting from laughter. References range from Metal Gear Solid, to Nintendo to Tenga Toppa Guren Lagann, and MANY more. Trying to find them all is like playing a game in and of itself, making the show that much better.

How much of it you've experienced (particularly for longer series)

Both first and second season (Baka to Test to Shoukanju and Baka to Test to Shoukanju Ni!)

Other works that it reminds you of, if applicable


A link to a review you wrote on our site, if applicable


Any other information that might help someone know if they should give it a shot

This show has a VERY catchy opening theme. The show loves to get out of proportion in some aspects, such as the final fight, but it's all in the aspect of comedy. If you love strategy-type action, the battle plans they come up with are funny yet effective. If there were a term for comedic jumpscares, there are quite a few of them here.

Iron Man will forever haunt your nightmares of detention. Shun Showah Hoshuuu!!
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