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Old 2015-10-11, 02:00   Link #49
That one guy
Join Date: Nov 2011
Zuikaku as Servant Archer

Name: Zuikaku

Race: Servant Archer

Age: visibly 18

Appearance: long black hair in high twintails that reach her shoulder blades. Sh wears a modified kyudo gi with long armored leggings terminating into steel heelds with with like shields. She sports a normal wooden bow. Otherwise she is unremarkable with brownish black eyes and fair skin.

Personality: Brash and proud. She is highly confrontational but not beyond a little scheming. She can also be petty and spiteful despite that pride. Overall she has the rounded characteristics of a brat. But underneath all that she is a hardworker who strives to live up to expectations placed upon her. Unlike other heroes who grew into their destinies, she was made into an icon for victory even before her birth. The hopes of millions placed upon her before she ever ame to be. Even when poised to become the icon of the new generation, she was spurned by her predecessors and wanted to prove them wrong, that those hopes were not misplaced. She fought in one of the greatest wars known to man and memories of her battles and those she lost still haunt her despite putting up a strong front.


Strength: B

Endurance: C

Agility: A

Mana: D

Luck: A+

Noble Phantasm: C

Class Skill:

Magic resistance: C
- Normally as a knight class servant, Archer should have an A class magic resistance but her true nature as a machine hampers her natural reistance to magic and so she remains with C. Either way she still immune to most modern magi's spells short of rituals.

Independent Action: D
- she can remain disconnected from Rin for 8 hours without suffering ill effects. But only exists up until the 12th hour.

Construct Physiology: EX
- Zuikaku was not truly alive during her time as a hero. She was a warship that gained her own consciousness due to the unified will of her crew and builders. Her body was literally steel, gunpowder, oil and fire. Her Strength, Endurance and Agility gain two permanent "+" modifiers.

Terrain Advantage: D
- as a warship she suffers no penalties when traversing over water. She is even capable of gliding over them at high speeds.

Noble Phantasm:

Breath of God: Heaven' Veil that Conceals That Which Exists between Heaven and Earth: C (support)
- A noble Phantasm that is based upon her exploits upon the Coral Sea where she was able to successfully sink USS Lexington with the help of her sister Shokaku. Though her sister was damaged badly Zuikaku did not sustain any damage during the skirmish because the enemies could not locate her due to a rain squall. This Noble Phantasm conceals Zuikaku's presence with an effect only one rank lower than the assassin class.

Dawn of Victory: the Sextet that Opened the Curtains to the Pacific Theater: A+++++
- Based on the infamous attack on Pearl Harbor. Zuikaku summons her sister and those that came before her as the original 6 carriers of the Imperial Japanese Navy to rain bombardment after bombardment upon the enemy. However this is a massive ritual class spell that requires a long time to prepare and deploy making it more suitable to a surprise strike than a skill used in the heat of combat.

Breath of God: God's Wind Blows When Hope and Despair Converge Upon the Ultimate Sacrifice: EX
- Zuikaku charges her arrows and launches them as Broken Phantasms. It does not really count as a Noble Phantasm but Zuikaku's history empowers her Broken Phantasms' destructive potential to grow fourfold. Zuikaku never wants to use this Noble Phantasm again, even if it means her death.


Zuikaku uses three kinds of arrows based on her armaments in real life. She also has minor guns on her but they do little more than deter attackers than deal actual damage.

Her arrows are actually miniature world war 2 fighter jets that deal ridiculously large damage in comparison to their stature. Each plane is piloted by a fairy. The three plane types are: Fighters, Dive Bombers, Torpedo Bombers.

Fighters are the most agile. Not very powerful but they are persistent combatants that can deal a decent punch.

Dive bombers are relatively slower and less maneuverable. They have a massive destructive ability that is difficult to limit. They are rarely used unless the target is very large or very sturdy.

I have no idea how to characterize torpedo bombers other than anti-ship. Can anyone suggest something for them? XD
Official art: They know what we want.
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