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Old 2015-09-30, 06:20   Link #326
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2011
Thanks for the suggestion, but not quite what I'm looking for.

Now as for those issues I'm having with this idea. One of them is this;

The amount of characters on both sides. Cause if you use all of the main characters from their respective series:

- Kirito
- Asuna
- Leafa
- Klein
- Agil
- Silica
- Lizbeth
- Sinon

Character Count: 8

Log Horizon:
- Shiroe
- Naotsugu
- Akatsuki
- Nyanta
- Minori
- Tohya
- Isuzu
- Rudy
- Serara
- Tetra

Character Count: 10

As you can see, Log Horizon outnumbers SAO.

I know that there's going to be the suggestion of having 8-on-8 (to accommodate for SAO), but who should I have to sit out for Log Horizon? And if I pick out the wrong characters, then it could heavily tip the scale into SAO's favor. And that's not good, I'd like this to be as balanced out as possible.

Not to mention that it's not even factoring in the Team-size limit in their respective series:

SAO: 7 Players
Log Horizon: 6 Players

And Boss Raids as well:

SAO: 49 Players (7 Teams of 7)
Log Horizon: 24 Players (4 Teams of 6)

So, a little help guys?
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