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Old 2015-09-18, 15:48   Link #89
Oppai Enthusiast
Join Date: Sep 2015
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Age: 96
Originally Posted by Biohazardous View Post
They wants Ise how he is nothing less or more. The Ero SS proves it.
I'm on the same ship for this one, with a few exceptions that brings out their character development (Ise still chasing skirts and panties, yeah, but his wives will discipline him in the most possible, non-emotional-harming way. A good example will be directing him to give his attention to the kids while they're giving him quotes of the day )

I'm scratching my head on this topic (I realize this has been already discussed, I just want to confirm): Loki's curse cast on future Asia.

We all here know that particular curse was strong enough that the children must go back in time to call Loki out to uncurse her. Because the Gods, even the Aesir, do not know how to cancel it after all, he is the only one who can, but it does not mean that it cannot be extracted by anyone other than him (YMMV on this, I think it was foreshadowed in BorN that the curse materialized in the form of cloud of darkness).

Would it be interesting if they can also find an alternative solution for the curse (or, let's say, complementary actions for it)? Other than a major plot point, I guess that Asia being cursed is a little downer for the overall narration (other than the Evil Gods, this means that they have a choice to come back in time just to curb-stomp Loki before hand-cuffing him, which I don't really mind at all )
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