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Old 2015-09-16, 14:45   Link #64
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Join Date: Mar 2015
Originally Posted by Biohazardous View Post
Come on it wouldn't be Akeno if she didn't

Akeno: Hey Rias?
Rias: Nani
Akeno: I had a kid first teehee
Rias: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
^That would be priceless to see.

Also, perhaps the kids inherited a portion of their mothers personality(Isseis strong one is a given influence). Would be funny to see how Akeno's (lets just hope its just not t the same level as the side story which shall not be mentioned), Asia's, Ravel's and Ross's kids would turn out(likely not gonna happen for the last two to be shown though), would also explain how Zen was able to cope with his strict mother.

Now that I also think about it, WHY did the future Loki make it so that Issei never meets Chichigami? That and the general's remark to Ix that "You are still to young to wear power like him". My guess, the ultimate power up for Issei is yet to come, or rather, realized. Chichigami mode XD

And last but not least, although stating that the future for the current leaders are not good. It doesn't necessarily mean they're all dead(although Azazel's case is a bit bleak), or the equivalent of a Shakespeare tragedy. Take Levi, she could have very well left the maou due to maternity leave (if thats even possible) and never cared to join again. Or even they sut decide to step down for the next generation.
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