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Old 2006-05-16, 02:41   Link #58
Obey the Darkly Cute ...
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: On the whole, I'd rather be in Kyoto ...
Age: 66
You have to think of this in medieval terms .... the village probably considers Eruruu damn near an old maid -- about all they didn't do in ep 1 and 2 is push Eruruu on top of Hakuoro. A girl of 14-18 was usually married off pronto prior to the industrial age.

Japan's age of consent is as young as 14 *socially* but it kind of depends on where you're standing, who you are, and who's complaining. They passed a national law raising it a couple of years ago so the politicians could say they'd "done something to save the children" (mostly due to international prude pressure) but it appears to be mostly ignored by the Japanese themselves.

And now you know (of course you should also be aware the police may take an unfriendly eye to an over-18 male gaijin accosting highschoolers for a date so don't book your plane ticket just yet).

Finally, we also have no clue what the average lifespan is of these people in Utawarerumono. Nor do we know their cultural standards for "of age" though I'm assuming pre-industrial "ready to breed" is probably the answer.

Now as far as 21st Century odd little rules of the US, Japan, or other locales..... they just slap the "assume anyone you can bonk is over 18... we say so." labels on it to chase off the Nosy Neurotics.
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