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Old 2006-05-14, 21:31   Link #3
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Canada
Age: 38
Originally Posted by Angelsama
I've seen a few images around here and there - and i was just wondering whats the name of th 2D Higurashi doujin game i've been seeing?
I know of no 2D Higurashi doujin (fighting?) games out there as of now. The only Higurashi fighting game I can remember off of the top of my head is Higurashi Daybreak by Twilight Frontier, a 3D fighter that's currently in development.

Originally Posted by SpaceDrake
Another question. How much overlap is there between the chapters?

For example, in ep.6, Kei didn't know Tomitake. However, he knew about the dam... so did the scene with the Colonel doll occur in the Watanagashi-hen timeline? Or did Kei simply visit Shion instead of Rena that particular day?

I'm guessing this is delineated more clearly in the sound novels.
Remember, these stories happen in parallel of each other (parallel world). So it makes sense that Keiichi would be meeting Tomitake "for the first time" at some point in all of the stories, the only difference would be the location and time (and their significance, if any). Of course, maybe there's a chance that an event doesn't happen at all (like your speculation about Keiichi "choosing" to visit Shion instead of going with Rena on her treasure hunt "event"), but as far as "Keiichi meeting Tomitake" goes, it has been 2 out of 2 so far.

As for Keiichi's knowledge about the dam project, what do you think? Do you remember how Keiichi found out about it in Onikakushi-hen? Remember, the same information can mean totally different things, depending on the situation you are in when you find out about it.

Hmm, I think that's a good place to stop. Answering without spoiling is like trying to control the flow of a water tab, one that I'm not very good at controlling.
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