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Old 2015-07-11, 14:58   Link #76
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Originally Posted by Man of Sin View Post
Is anybody else bothered that there was no explainatation why Sakura was using that photo and why everyone acted like Sarada's birth was supposed to be a secret?
Well It might have been because she was born during a mission. We have no details on what the mission Sakura, Sasuke, and Kerin were on so when she was born so details about that may in fact be top secret and because she was born at Kerin's base there are no public records of her birth in the village and that is what is what got her worked up. So people didn't act like it was a secret exactly. All the medical ninjas couldn't answer because either they honestly don't know or can't talk about it do to the mission.

Sasuke's Hawk summonings have shown to travel through that dimension, so there really wasn't anything stopping him from sending letters to his family. That and he can leave that dimension when ever he wants. He wasn't in that dimension in chapter 700.
First It's not clear if he has or has not been sending letters back home, they only mention that she has never talked to him in her memory and letters aren't a very close form of communication. Yes he can leave but it seems to majorly tier him out and my point was I believe he has become slightly obsessed with the safety of his family so he isn't going to stop or take a break until he is sure they are safe. I never said it was a good thing but it does make it seem that rather then being a straight up unfeeling jerk he does have his heart in the right place but his insurceities are making him do jerk like actions.

It's not a public thing. According to Sakura he constantly rejects her kisses.
Funny no where have I seen any translations that state or even imply this the closest ones are where she states the ambiguous " you're going to keep me waiting" or "he blew me off again". Neither make any indication if it is for all attempts or just public ones.
Higurashi: Its a bit like watching a trainwreck, except you keep getting to see different trains wrecking with roughly the same passengers, into a variety of different objects. Also, the trains are driven by monkeys. On LSD.
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