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Old 2015-07-11, 10:07   Link #75
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by Man of Sin View Post
Is anybody else bothered that there was no explainatation why Sakura was using that photo and why everyone acted like Sarada's birth was supposed to be a secret?
Yes. looking back on the story as a whole, its actually weakens the story. When it comes down to it, the only reason those things exisited was to set up a red herring and create extra melodrama where none should exist.

Sarada DID have a legitimate reason to question her father, but when you look back she didn't really have a reason to question her mother; the only reason she was suspsicous was because of contrived bits like what you mentioned. There was no reason for why Sakura did not own a picture of herself and Sasuke together. And when Sarada asked Shizune about Karin and her birth, Shizune had no reason to be secretive. Shizune could have easily told her "your mother was traveling with your father when you were born, so you were actually born outside of Konoha" and "Oh that woman was part of your father's old team; she actually helped deliver you."... Even Sarada's glasses were part of this contrived set up. And ofcourse we got the the obvious screw up with the DNA test; though that screw up atleast have SOME explanation (though one could ask why Karin was holding onto Sarada's umbilical cord instead of Sakura). All of it was just a very contrived way to add in more drama for the sake of the story... in the end, it all feels VERY forced.

I feel like the story would have been stronger if there WAS an explanation for everything and that it all was leading up to something... Like maybe Karin was really Sarada's mother, but she died. With Sasuke off on his own, Sakura decided to take in Sarada. However Sakura worried how Sarada might grow up with a dead mother and a missing father, so she attempted to give Sarada a "normal life" with the intention of telling her the truth when she was old enough... Something like that is atleast what i would have expected from the set up we got at the beginning of the story. Sarada would still learn the same lesson out of all this, though the set up would be different and Sakura would learn something aswell (namely that such lies, even with good intentions, are NOT good for a child's development; better to be upfront and honest with them no matter how hard the truth is)...

I also think the story would have also been better if they left out all the questions Sarada had about her mother, and simply had the story focus on her relationship with he estranged Father. Cut out the contrived red herring's and focus on the legit problems she should have with her parents.... So ya, either allow all that suspicious stuff in the beginning actually lead to something significant about Sarada's history, or just leave it out so we can focus on what she SHOULD be most worried about. Heck, thinking about, Sarada's legit problem was with sasuke, but the story actually ended up doing a better job exploring and dealing with her issues with her mother whom she shouldn't have had issues with in the first place... her issues with her father feel rather glossed over by comparison

Last edited by Slayerx; 2015-07-11 at 15:20.
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