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Old 2015-07-10, 08:43   Link #6
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Join Date: Jul 2014
Originally Posted by Jiminy View Post
I still don't understand why Mari should not only be on the cover but also be in the front row. I can understand why they chose Mayumi, but why Mari? is it even possible to give her enough screen time to justify this decision? She is only a student and a low rank member of one of the 100 clans with no direct interactions with the Shibas ever since she left first high. Besides comforting Mayumi I doubt there is much she can do. Well the author likes her and that might be reason enough.
At the end of volume 16 is was mentioned that the announcement of Tatsuya and Miyuki's engagement was sent out by the magic association to all of the numbers families. We don't know how the 10MC clan selection works, it's still possible that all of the numbers get to vote, this would allow the author to include Mari, Isori, Kanon and Erika in greater roles during the 10MC selection. (Just speculation on one way Mari could receive screen time.)

It was mentioned in volume 6 that amongst the watanabe family Mari is by far the most magically talented. If the 100's get a vote in the selection of the master clans it would make sense for Mari to be there as the watanabe families heir/representative or what ever she is classed as.
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